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Meet the Instructor - David Liss, MBA, CVPM, PHR, RVT
Canine CPR with David Liss
Feline CPR with David Liss
How to Place an IV Catheter
How to Fill a Liquid Medication with Kristi
One Hand Scoop Technique - Safely Handling Syringes with Needles
How to Draw Blood from a Canine Jugular Vein
How to Draw Blood from a Canine Cephalic Vein
How to Draw Blood from a Canine Lateral Saphenous
How to Draw Blood from a Feline Medial Saphenous Vein
Quick ECG Interpretation Tutorial with David Liss
EKG Leads Proper Set Up
Fluid Bag Set Up
Quiz for Fluid Bag Set Up
How to Give SQ Fluids
How to Set Up an IV Fluid Bag and Pump
IV Fluid Pump Assembly with David Liss
IV Line Assembly with David Liss
Piggyback Drip Assembly with David Liss
ET Cuff Deflation Hack
Eco-Friendly Hacks
Administering Insulin
How to Give an Intramuscular (IM) Injection
How to Give a Subcutaneous (Sub Q) Injection
Make a Blood Smear Part 1
Charting Medical Records with David Liss
Critical Care Nutrition with David Liss
How to Obtain a History with Kristi - Canine Edition
Apply a Simple Bandage with Kristi
Safe Use of Bandage Scissors with Kristi
Communicating the Value of Routine Feline Physical Exams
Feline Curbside PE Diagram for Veterinary Staff or Client Use
How to Brush Canine Teeth (at home)
How to Conduct a Feline Exam
Obtain a Fecal Sample - Manual Method

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    Really helps me learn