5.0 /5

Empathy: It's a Validation Situation!
Empathy and Sympathy Are Not the Same
Reinforcement Check-in
Reinforcement Check-in: Responding With Empathy
Wait! What's Healthy Conflict?
Video: 7 Benefits of Healthy Conflict
Reinforcement Check-in: Multiple select
What Is This Conflict Competence?
How to Develop Conflict Competence
Words and Phrases to Avoid in Difficult Conversations
Reinforcement Check-in: How Conflict Resilient Are You?
Reinforcement Check-in: Definitions
What is Service Recovery?
10 Common Communication Mistakes
How to Restore a Client to a State of Satisfaction
Three Things to DO When a Client Catches You in a Mistake
Five Things NOT to Do When a Client Catches You in a Mistake
Reinforcement Check-in: Order the steps for resolving conflict.
Conflict Conversation Roadmap in Six Steps
What's My Superpower?
Conflict with Clients Overview
Grooming Issue
Inappropriate Client
Rowdy Kids
Long Wait Time
No Appointments Available For A Long Time
Pharmacy Turnaround Time
ER or Specialty Referral
Total Over The Estimate
Wrong Medication Filled
You're Only In It For The Money
You Did It!

5.0 /5

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    Conflict with Clients

    The course is concise and to the point. It offers great strategies for CSR's to use to help in dealing with upset clients. The course covers the main reasons that clients can be upset during a visit to ER: wait times and pricing are big ones for our hospital. The tips offered in the course are easy to implement immediately in day to day business.