Canine Body Language Basics
How to Use a Slip Lead as a Harness
How to Use a Slip Lead for a Muzzle
Lifting a Dog Over 50 pounds
Lifting a Dog Under 50 pounds
Walk a Hospitalized Patient with Fluids
Key Take Aways from Canine Restraint Fundamentals
Canine Restraint Devices
Canine Restraint for Anal Gland Expression or Rectal Exam
Canine Restraint for Applying Eye Medication
Canine Restraint for Ear Cleaning
Canine Restraint for a Jugular Blood Draw
Canine Restraint for a Orthopedic Exam
Canine Restraint for a Saphenous Blood Draw
Canine Restraint Using Firm Voice Commands
Lateral Recumbency Canine Restraint
Canine Restraint to Place an IVC or for a Cephalic Blood Draw
Small Dog Restraint for a Nail Trim
Sitting Position Canine Restraint
Sternal Recumbency Canine Restraint
Canine Restraint to Lower Fear, Anxiety, and Stress
Feline Body Language Basics
How to Safely Remove a Cat Out of a Cage with Bedding
How to Remove the Lid and Take a Cat Out of a Carrier
How to Safely Slide a Cat In and Out of a Carrier
Feline Restraint for Anal Gland Expression or Rectal Exam
Feline Restraint for a Cysto with Ultrasound
Feline Restraint for a Cystocentesis (Cysto) without Ultrasound
Feline Restraint for Ear Cleaning
Feline Restraint for a IVC or Cephalic Blood Draw
Feline Restraint to Lower Fear, Anxiety, Stress
Feline Restraint for a Nail Trim
Feline Restraint for an Ophthalmic Exam or Eye Medication
How to Restrain a Cat with a Muzzle or E-collar
Cat Muzzle Hack
How to Safely Handle a Cat in a Snake Hold for a Jugular Blood Draw
How to Towel Wrap (Kitty Burrito) a Cat for a Jugular Blood Draw, Ear, Eye, and Mouth Exam
Kitty Burrito for Front Access
How to Safely Towel Wrap (Kitty Burrito) a Cat for an IM Injection
Kitty Burrito for Rear Access
Nice intro but sometimes focused on the procedure more than the restraint
The canine section definitely spent more time discussing the procedure being performed vs. The restraint needed and how to restrain the patient.
I thought they were clear and easy to understand
The methods and Actual handling of the pets was simple and easy to do
very informative
felt the videos were very informative and educational...very relaxed learning field