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Why Do You Need To Know Restraint?
First Impressions
Canine Restraint: Sitting Position
Canine Restraint: As Easy as a 1, 2, Slip Lead!
Different Restraint Devices
Canine Restraint In Depth
Lifting - 50 Pounds or Less
Lifting Over 50 Pounds
Canine Nail Trim Restraint
Canine Ear Cleaning Restraint
Canine Anal Gland Expression Restraint
Sling Walking a Canine
Feline Restraint
Feline Restraint in Depth
Feline Nail Trim Restraint
Feline Ear Cleaning Restraint
Weighing a Feline Patient
Removing a Feline From a Carrier
Reinforcement Check-in: Fill in the blank
Getting A Patient From The Car
It Ain't All Dogs and Cats!
Avian (Bird) Restraint
Lagomorph (Rabbit) Restraint
Cavia Porcellus (Guinea Pig) Restraint
Rodent (Mice, Rat and Hamster) Restraint
Reinforcement Check-in: Small and Exotic Animal Restraint
Basics of a Low Fear, Anxiety, and Stress (FAS) Approach
CSRs are Pet-friendly
The First Rule of Low Fear, Anxiety, and Stress (FAS)
Pet-friendly Handling for Feline Patients
Feline Tips and Tricks
Treat Your Feline Patients
Pet-friendly Handling for Canine Patients
Low FAS: Wall Restraint
How Can I Alleviate the Fear, Anxiety and Stress?
Reinforcement Check-in: Definition Matching
Reinforcement Check-in: Fill in the Blanks
The Patient Slipped Their Collar
Brought in Without Restraints
Got Loose from Staff
Reinforcement Check-in: Situations and Solutions
Apply What You've Learned!
Workbook Activities

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