Course 1 - Professionalism In the Workplace
Course 2 - Confidentiality and Accuracy: Records, Files, Computer Maintenance
Course 3 - The Disaster of Missed Details
Course 4 - Proper Prescription Handling
Course 5 - Managing Referral Records
Course 6 - Appointment Capture for Specialty and ER
Course 7 - Managing Wait Time Expectations
Course 8 - Managing A High Volume Caseload
Course 9 - Overview of CPR/DNR
Course 10 - Admitting Patients to your Hospital
Course 11 - Discharging Patients From Your Hospital
Course 12 - Basic Hospital Finance and Revenue Drivers for the CSR
Course 13 - The Basics of Cash Handling
Course 14 - Creative Financing & Pet Insurance
Course 15 - Occupational Safety Procedures
Course 16 - The Benefits of Cross-Training and Career Advancement