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Why Do You Need To Know Restraint?
First Impressions
Different Restraint Devices
Canine Restraint
Canine Sitting Restraint
Canine Restraint Devices
Canine Restraint: As Easy as a Slip Lead!
Canine Restraint in Depth
Lifting a 50 Pound or Less Canine
Lifting a Canine Over 50 Pounds
Canine Nail Trim Restraint
Canine Ear Cleaning Restraint
Canine Anal Gland Expression Restraint
Feline Restraint
Feline Restraint in Depth
Feline Nail Trim Restraint
Feline Ear Cleaning Restraint
Weighing a Feline Patient
Removing a Feline From a Carrier
Reinforcement Check-in: Fill in the blank
Fear Free®
It Ain't All Dogs and Cats!
Avian (Bird) Restraint
Lagomorph (Rabbit) Restraint
Cavia Porcellus (Guinea Pig) Restraint
Rodent (Mice, Rat and Hamster) Restraint
Reinforcement Check-in: Small and Exotic Animal Restraint
Some Basics of a Fear Free Approach
CSRs and Fear Free
The First Rule of Fear Free
Fear Fear Handling with Feline Patients
Fear Free Feline Technique
Treat Your Feline Patients
Fear Free Handling with Canine Patients
Fear Free Wall Restraint
How Can I Alleviate the Fear, Anxiety and Stress?
Reinforcement Check-in: Definition Matching
Reinforcement Check-in: Fill in the Blanks
The Patient Slipped Their Collar
Brought in Without Restraints
Got Loose from Staff
Reinforcement Check-in: Situations and Solutions
Apply What You've Learned!
Workbook Activities

5.0 /5

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    Great Title

    Loved the information

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    Safe animal handling

    Knowing the fear signs for the pet that you are handling and having the tools to restrain.

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    Safe Animal Handling

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    Great refresher

    It was great to learn about fear free and how it works, the videos made it easier to unstand for restraining

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    Very Good Title and Topic Description

    The videos done with eat restraint was amazing! It really made it more clear on how to make sure the patient is handling properly and safely.

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    good videos

    nice, short videos for restraints. Didn't see "cat burrito" we use towel to help wrap a cat and also have a pouch to place the cat so they can't scratch/kick during blood draws.

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    Course is very informative. Helpful tips on what to look out for and how to handle patients

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    Safe Animal Handling
